On 28 and 29 june of 2018, nova path creations introduced the icekrusher to the north american snow and ice removal community. This took place at the sima.org annual trade show in cleveland, ohio.
Team krusher sold 68 of the 100 working prototypes we brought to show, and conducted over 70 face to face booth sessions with interested professional attendees. For future sales, we have over 250 attendees to contact once the icekrusher is in production.
In 2017 during field testing with the first prototype, i showed the icekrusher to four hardware and power equipment shops in union county, new jersey. They all expressed interest in carrying the icekrusher when it was ready. At the trade show we found two more retail outlets that agreed to carry the icekrusher, one of which took 12 units home to northeastern pennsylvania to be sure they were the first to have the icekrusher in their area. So, the demand is real, and investment capital is needed by Sep 30, 2020 in order to begin shipping in late Jan 2021.